Author: annie

Sunday, October 30th: Last Market until Thanksgiving!

This Sunday from 10am-4pm is our last market and volunteer day until Sunday, November 2oth (our pre-Thanksgiving market).  Join us on the rooftop for a sowing of the cover crops, moving the chicken coop, finishing up the compost application from a season’s worth of gathering food scraps, and at 2pm, a free conversation reviewing all the ups and downs of 2011’s growing season.  It’s almost Halloween: come in costume to receive a special treat!

Open House NY Rooftop (in Russian!)

We hosted Open House New York this past weekend to a tune of about 200 new visitors in one busy morning.  A real treat! To see more of the event, check out Channel One Russia’s coverage.   This excerpt below made us smile:

Those wishing to observe the changing face of agriculture formed a long line to the roof. Right on top of an urban high-rise was a farm with vegetable beds. There, tomatoes, peppers, dill, and parsley grow on a commercial scale. Many NY locals had no idea they had neighbors like this. Once a year, they become tourists in their own city, discovering that the miraculous is right next door.

Желающие проследить за переменами в сельском хозяйстве выстраиваются в длинную очередь на крышу. Прямо на городской высотке – ферма с грядками. На них в промышленных масштабах выращивают помидоры, перец, укроп и петрушку. О таком соседстве многие местные жители даже и не догадывались. Раз в год они становятся туристами в собственном городе, обнаруживая, что удивительное рядом.

Brooklyn Night Bazaar!

This time of year when the sun sets at 7pm and the ghosts of Halloween seem ever closer, many farmers plant cover crops, sow garlic for the summer harvest, and start heading to bed earlier as the nights drop down to 40*F.  Not so these Brooklyn greenthumbs: after an 85*F on the Rooftop Farm, the Eagle Street crew headed over to downtown Brooklyn to participate in the white-light-lit wonderland of the DeKalb Market’s first Night Bazaar.  We were swayed into pulling a 16 hour day by Joann Kim of the Greenpoint Food Market, a notoriously delightful organizer, and the allure of our favorite memories of night markets in Bolivia, Peru, Fiji and other warm-weather climes with an appreciation for live chickens, warm spices, and barter.  The ten PM shopper is a canny one, and we sold out of our hot sauce in less than two hours.  It was a pleasure to meet new friends off the rooftop–and although Gina, the rooftop chicken who joined us, won’t admit it, we’re sure she had a great time, too.

Sunday Market October 9th

Hot peppers, how we love ye.  The sweet flesh, the sharp bite, the deliciously high nutrient content of a deeply healthy food.  Oh, and the colors match what the world is about to do to celebrate fall.

Join us this Sunday during our farm market and open day as we clean up tomatoes, sow clover, and pick peppers while not rubbing our eyes.  It’s not quite the end of tshirt season, so get your Rooftop Farm shirt on before the holiday season shops them all away!