Tag: eagle street rooftop farm

How sweet it is! This weekend’s events.

This Saturday and Sunday are full of places to go and food to taste! Your farmers will be serving up tasty treats with the first annual New York Honey Festival in the Rockaways on Saturday, and then Saturday night we’re boogey-ing back to Brooklyn to The Good Festival for a 9pm cooking demo between live music sets.  On Sunday, we’ll be on deck to serve up more treats (and teach you how to pot up the plants to grow them!) at Taste Williamsburg-Greenpoint.  Don’t worry: our Sunday market will be open from 10-4 as usual this Sunday, as well, so you can still get  your favorite ingredients for your own cooking, as well as pitch in as we sow our fall crops.

Summer Markets Begin

Peppers turning red, greens refreshed after rain, and glorious onions coming out of the ground with the sharp, sweet juice of a good long spring: we’re back to market at the Eagle Street Rooftop Farm! Join us this Sunday from 10am-4pm as we pull carrots, radishes, turnips from the ground; mix spicy mustard salads, harvest basil of multiple types, and begin to celebrate the fruits of summertime!